VU SR Community survey
During reference period, the VU SR Community survey was carried out, the purpose of which was to measure the involvement of the Members of the Organization in the activities of VU SR and to find out the reasons for what motivates their (non)involvement. The survey was conducted between February and March 2023 and all members of the Organization had the opportunity to participate. The results obtained during this study will be used to improve the internal processes of VU SR.
Measuring of VU SR CO2 footprint
During this year's outing of the VU SR Office-Council, a decision was made to measure the CO2 footprint left by VU SR. To ensure the process, the Council's working group was set up, the boundaries of which included the development of a methodology for calculating the CO2 footprint and a plan for how the measurement will take place. The working group discussed how the carbon footprint will be calculated retrospectively to assess the period of this term of office and what methods the organization could use in the current time in the future and compiled a list of the organization's activities that would include measurement. In the VU SR Council, it was decided that the calculation parameters will include the energy consumed by the available equipment, the CO2 emitted by various vehicles, and the calculation of the amount of waste. After collecting the amount of carbon dioxide emitted in the activities of all the organization's derivatives, the working group will make recommendations on what processes and how VU SR should be organized differently in order to be less harmful to the planet when acting for the benefit of students.
Measures of the social dimension in higher education: efficiency and application in Lithuania
The analysis was prepared as part of the implementation of the project "Application of good foreign practices to the implementation of the social dimension in Lithuanian higher education, reducing the barriers faced by less representative groups in higher education"
In order to achieve the implementation of the social dimension in higher education in Lithuania, an analysis of the social dimension measures applied in education systems in foreign countries was carried out, including the best practices of other foreign countries, their effectiveness and, on this basis, proposals were made that could be applied in the Lithuanian context.
Key recommendations
- To ensure alternative access to higher education and academic assistance to students with low socioeconomic status and disabilities. Currently, in the Law on Science and Studies, which has not yet entered into force, an alternative path arises in Lithuania, but there are no circumstances for the provision of academic assistance;
- In the study process, to develop the possibilities of financial support by updating the loan system, making it more flexible, providing preferential repayment conditions for more vulnerable groups;
- Combine the financial support provided to students with disabilities, link it with the needs of the student from the disability and individualize it;
- Provide funding and start initiating programs that systematically cover more than one level of the social dimension – from preparation for studies, targeted cooperation with participants in the general education system, support in the accession process to assistance to those already studying;
- Ensure adequate information about accession processes for older applicants;
- To ensure greater transparency of the higher education institutions themselves to ensure the improvement of the social dimension at the institution level.
All these measures cannot operate alone and without the additional involvement of stakeholders, which is a prerequisite, in addition to the consistent funding allocated, the constant monitoring of the situation and the collection of data.