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Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences

5. By 1st of July 2023, at least two thirds of the Study Programme Committees of the VU Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences are ready to implement decisions for the improvement of the study programme based on the needs of the student(s)

Task 1: under implementation
The student(s) representatives are familiar with and have an understanding of the needs of the student(s) on the programme of study represented
Task 2: not implemented
The Study Programme Committees of the VU Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences have agreed on at least one proposal for a solution based on the needs of the student(s).
Task 3: under implementation
Students are informed about the activities of the Curriculum Committees, their composition and the results of their activities.

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

6. Until 1st of July 2023 3 research activities have been initiated by students of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Vilnius University with their teachers

Task 1: implemented
Lecturers at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of VU are ready to initiate research activities with students.
Task 2: under implementation
Lecturers at the VU Faculty of Economics and Business Administration participate in research activities with students.
Task 3: under implementation
The community of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Vilnius University is familiar with the research activities carried out by the lecturers and student(s).
Task 4: under implementation
The Administration of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of VU is committed to encouraging research activities of students.

Faculty of Physics

7. By 1st of June 2023, at least 4 lecturers of the Faculty of Physics of the VU have updated at least one laboratory work in the spring semester in the subjects of the first and second cycle degree programmes

Task 1: implemented
The concept of updating the laboratory work has been agreed with the Vice-Dean for Studies of the VU Faculty of Physics.
Task 2: not implemented
A plan for updating at least one of the students' laboratory papers that meets the students' expectations has been agreed with at least 4 lecturers of the VU Faculty of Physics.
Task 3: not implemented
At least 4 lecturers of the VU Faculty of Physics have updated at least one laboratory paper that they will be teaching in the next semester.

Faculty of Philology

8. Until 1st of July 2023 The students of the Faculty of Philology of Vilnius University are familiar with the general guidelines for the preparation of written work of the Faculty of Philology of Vilnius University and a course on the preparation of written work is included in all first cycle study programmes

Task 1: under implementation
At least 7 undergraduate programmes include a subject on the preparation of written work.
Task 2: under implementation
The VU Faculty of Philology has approved general methodological guidelines for the preparation of essays.
Task 3: under implementation
Students of the VU Faculty of Philology are familiar with the general guidelines of the Faculty of Philology for the preparation of written works.

9. Until 1st of July 2023 The students of the VU Faculty of Philology have been introduced to self-help opportunities and initiatives have been implemented at the VU Faculty of Philology to improve the emotional study environment

Task 1: implemented
VU SA has implemented a communication campaign in the Faculty of Philology to disseminate information about mental health support and self-help opportunities.
Task 2: in progress
VU SA Faculty of Philology has implemented 4 initiatives to promote psycho-emotional well-being in the study environment and build community.

Faculty of Philosophy

10. Until 1st of July 2023 The descriptions of subjects in the first cycle study programmes in Philosophy and Psychology have been reviewed and updated in accordance with the workload specified in the study programmes

Task 1: implemented
An analysis of the course descriptions of the selected study programmes has been carried out on the basis of credit load equivalence.
Task 2: implemented
The results of the analysis of the course descriptions of the selected study programmes and the proposals for solving the problem were submitted to the Study Programme Committees of the VU Faculty of Philosophy.
Task 3: under implementation
The results of the analysis of the course descriptions of the selected study programmes and the proposals for solving the problem were submitted to the Study Programme Committees of the VU Faculty of Philosophy.

Life Sciences Center

11. Until 1st of July 2023 VU GMC students are given the opportunity to make an informed decision on the choice of internship placements

Task 1: not implemented
There is a person in charge of coordinating internships at the VU Life Sciences Centre.
Task 2: implemented
4 initiatives have been implemented to introduce VU Life Sciences Centre students to the possibilities and specificities of internships.
Task 3: under implementation
The VU Life Sciences Centre internship system has been updated to meet the needs of students.

Faculty of History

12. Until 1st of July 2023 The compulsory traineeships at the VU Faculty of History respond to the needs of the student(s)

Task 1: under implementation
The first cycle History and Cultural History and Anthropology study programmes offer 15 ECTS credits for internships.
Task 2: not implemented
Decisions taken in the second cycle Curriculum Committees based on the opinion of the student(s) to improve the quality of the research placement course.

Faculty of Communication

13. Until 1st of July 2023 At least 10 student-feedback-based decisions for the improvement of the content of study subjects have been taken by the Programme Committees of the VU Faculty of Communication, both first and second cycle, and reported to the student(s)

Task 1: implemented
Students provide constructive feedback on course content to the Study Programme Committees.
Task 2: implemented
At least 10 decisions based on feedback from students to improve the content of the courses are taken in the curriculum committees.
Task 3: under implementation
Study Programme Committees are accountable to the undergraduate and postgraduate students of the VU Faculty of Communication.

Kaunas Faculty

14. As of 31st of August 2023, 75% of students are satisfied with the quality of content and teaching at VU Kaunas Faculty

Task 1: implemented
Plans for curriculum improvement have been implemented in the Curriculum Committees according to the needs of the student(s).
Task 2: implemented
At least 20 lecturers at VU Kaunas Faculty use student-centred teaching methods.
Task 1: implemented
The main relevant academic and methodological documents of the VU Kaunas faculty are translated into English.
Task 2: implemented
Methodological guidelines are developed in cooperation with lecturers to guide the running of programmes with international students.
Task 3: implemented
Basic academic information is regularly provided to international students of VU Kaunas Faculty.

Faculty of Medicine

16. Until 1st of July, students of the VU Faculty of Medicine are familiar with the activities of the Academic Writing and Research Advice Unit

Task 1: implemented
Recommendations for improving the quality of the Student(s) Research Network.
Task 2: not implemented
An Academic Writing and Research Consultancy Unit is set up at the Faculty of Medicine.
Task 3: not implemented
Students of the VU Faculty of Medicine are aware of the Academic Writing and Research Advice Unit and the activities of the Student(s) Research Network.

Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics

17. By 1st of July 2023, at least 1 change based on student(s) feedback has been implemented in the delivery process of all undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of the VU Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics

Task 1: under implementation
Students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at VU are aware of the benefits and importance of providing feedback.
Task 2: under implementation
Students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at VU have provided feedback on the quality of their studies.
Task 3: under implementation
According to the feedback provided by VU Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics student(s), the Study Programme Committees have implemented at least 15 changes in the study programmes.
Task 4: under implementation
The VU Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics community is aware of the changes implemented.

Šiauliai Academy

18. By 31st of March 2023 The Council of the VU Šiauliai Academy has approved the updated curricula for all first cycle study programmes

Task 1: implemented
All first cycle study programmes are updated by the Study Programme Committees.
Task 2: implemented
The Council of the VU Šiauliai Academy has approved the new study programme plans.

Faculty of Law

19. Until 31st of March 2023 The course loads for semesters 1 and 3 of the VU Faculty of Law are aligned with the number of credits set out in the study programme grid

Task 1: implemented
The workload of at least 2 of the selected study subjects has been analysed and its correspondence with the number of credits indicated in the study subject description.
Task 2: not implemented
The Council of the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University has approved an updated curriculum plan, in which the course loads are aligned with the number of credits provided for in the programme grid.

Institute of International Relations and Political Science

20. By 1st of June 2023, at least 3 initiatives on internships and the thesis process shall be implemented at the VU Institute of International Relations and Political Science for final year Bachelor and Master students

Task 1: implemented
At least 1 publication has been produced providing information on conventional, adaptive and scientific practices as well as on the criteria for completing bachelor's and master's theses and the choice of supervisor.
Task 2: implemented
Additional sources of information for students on the internship process have been developed in cooperation with the administration and the Curriculum Committees.
Task 3: implemented
Feedback on internship and undergraduate supervisors has been collected and passed on to the responsible persons.

Business School

21. By 1st of June 2023: 25% of VU Business School undergraduate students feel that they have developed a social network in the last year of their studies that will be useful in the labour market

Task 1: under implementation
At least 15 VU VM lecturers use real-life case studies in their studies.
Task 2: under implementation
At least 3 VU VM social networking initiatives organised.