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Representation at VU

VU Board

Student representatives – Neda Žutautaitė, Justinas Kondratas

VU Board – the governing body of the University, which supervises whether the activities and management of the University are in line with the mission, vision, values and principles of the University, general academic interests, requirements for publicity and accountability to the public established in the Statute.

During the reference period in the VU Council, we discussed the results of the institutional evaluation of Vilnius University, the situation of foreign students at Vilnius University, the state of VU information systems and possible future solutions, the training of teachers at the University, examined the issues of student admission and infrastructure, and participated in strategic planning sessions. The main lines of the Council's activities in 2023 highlighted:

  • Further improvement of the budgeting model;

  • Monitoring of the implementation of the VU Strategic Activity Plan for 2021–2025 and the annual activity plan 2023;

  • Anticipation of the infrastructure, organizational and financial measures necessary for the development of pedagogical studies and educational research at VU, including further ensuring the harmonious process of development of VU Šiauliai Academy;

  • Increasing the internationality and interdisciplinarity of study programs and research;

  • Monitoring of VU information technology infrastructure renewal and development projects;

  • Investments in sustainable energy and monitoring of the implementation of projects for the sustainable development of energy infrastructure;

  • Implementation of measures to ensure the continuity of VU's activities in conditions of increased risk and their monitoring.

This year, the tradition of the annual student report was started to be developed in the University Council –the President of VU SR shared the most important insights from the current issues of students' life at the university, covering both the issues of quality of studies, individualization and practices, paying more attention to international study experience, involvement of students in scientific activities, quality assurance of doctoral studies and the University, which responds to the needs of students and focuses on the principles of greenery infrastructure priorities.

VU Senate

VU Senate Student representatives:

Senate Board - – Vanesa Ražinskytė

Committee on Studies – Simonas Granskas, Julija Jarutytė, Klėja Merčaitytė, Lijana Savickienė

In the Committee on Quality and Development – Anelė Dromantaitė, Dominyka Goldbergaitė, Vanesa Ražinskytė

In the Scientific Committee – Daniel Šematovič, Greta Zaburaitė

The VU Senate is the governing body of the University consisting of members of the academic community of VU. The Senate is responsible for supervising and improving the quality of studies, fostering freedom of culture, science, research and teaching at the University. The work of the VU Senate is organized by the Senate Panel, which considers the agendas of the VU Senate and submits proposals to them, is responsible for the managerial part of the work, but does not take any decisions. The work of the Senate is divided into 3 main areas of activity. The Committees on Studies, Science and Quality and Development shall examine the issues relevant to their field of activity and submit their conclusions for approval to the VU Senate. During the reporting period, the outgoing training of the VU Senate took place.

This year, the new Composition of the Senate began its work, a new President of the Senate was elected, and the number of student representatives (from 8 to 9) also increased exponentially due to changes in the composition of the Senate. Also, for the first time, the vice-chairwoman of one of the Senate committees, the Study Committee, became a student representative.

For students, the most important issues discussed in the Senate are:

Resolution: Updated Vilnius University Study Regulations

Benefits for students: The updated study regulations enshrine the concept of individual studies, which allows to better respond to the individual needs of students in the study process and to individualize their studies, in each bachelor's and integral study program up to 60 ECTS credits will be distinguished for this purpose. Students will have the opportunity to expand their study network with interdisciplinary subjects, to take advantage of the opportunities of mobility windows.

Resolution: The concept of teacher education was approved

Benefits for students: With this concept, the University undertakes to mobilize all available creative, intellectual, and organizational potential, with the goal of educating educators of the XXI century – teachers of subjects or specializations, specialists in helping the pupil and educational leaders of all levels. In the education of educators, four main priorities are highlighted in the concept - the development of educational research; improving the quality of study programs for teacher training and increasing the supply; ensuring the professional growth of educators and promoting partnerships.

Resolution: Approved guidelines for the University's language policy

Benefits for students:

  • It is planned that the University's goal is to create conditions for students of the first cycle and integral study programs to learn at least one subject foreign language and to reach level C1;

  • The university undertakes to ensure the possibility of learning at least another foreign language at the desired level (A1-B2);

  • The guidelines enshrine the University's goal that the level of proficiency in English, Lithuanian as a foreign language or another language of academic staff should be at least C1;

  • The plan for the implementation of the guidelines provides for the possibility for teachers(s) who teach in English to develop an individual language teaching and learning plan and to improve their language competences. Funds are also allocated for this in this year's University budget;

  • The plan for the implementation of the guidelines provides for the creation of conditions for each student and lecturer from abroad to participate in the organized courses on the teaching and learning of Lithuanian as a foreign language.

Resolution: Regulations of Vilnius University science promotion fund approved

Benefits for students:

  • The concept of an international conference has been changed (the percentage of lecturers from abroad, and not participants from abroad, is taken into account);

  • This creates greater conditions for applying for funding from the Science Promotion Fund and for student scientific conferences (e.g., The COINS, Open Readings).

Resolution: Amendments to the Vilnius University Study Practice Regulation approved

Benefits for students:

  • VU CAU may have one head of practice (thus giving the opportunity that the practice manager's department does not remain, and it is headed only by the head of the practice in the organization);

  • The unit will have to set a specific number of students under management per head of practice in order to ensure that the head of the practice is not one for the entire group or course of several dozen students(s);

  • It will be possible to carry out internships not only individually, but also in groups;

  • The classification of practices has been changed –in addition to the expected internships in the study programs, other internships are divided into voluntary, Erasmus+ and targeted internships.

Resolution: The amendment of the duration of residency study programs in the field of medical studies of the Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University has been approved

Benefits for students:

  • The extension of the duration of study programs will enable the implementation of cascading competencies. Residents will have more opportunities or time to acquire practical skills.

Resolution: The description of the procedure for the preparation, execution, and improvement of study programs of Vilnius University was approved.

Benefits for students:

  • Clearer process of preparation, execution and improvement of study programs;

  • There is a provision that student representatives must be involved in the preparation of study programs.

Resolution: The guidelines for the preparation of the concept of the study program to be carried out at Vilnius University have been approved

Benefits for students:

  • The guidelines for the preparation of the program include a part of the development of general competencies in study programs;

  • The updated guidelines reduce the load on the SP training group (which must include student representatives). After the approval of the guidelines, it will be possible to transfer part of the points directly to the description of the newly prepared study program.

VU Rectorate

Student representative - Neda Žutautaitė

The Rectorate discusses all the most important issues of VU, submits comments and comments from the departments before taking decisions and submits conclusions to the VU Board, the Senate and the Rector, who accepts them.

During the reference period, the Rectorate considered the VU Study Regulations, even before submitting them to the Senate for approval, reviewed the University's institutional assessment and recommendations, the conclusions of the international attraction audit, according to which later in the year a plan of measures for attracting international students was also prepared. The Rectorate discussed the guidelines of the University's language policy, the procedure for the implementation of individual studies, the concept of inter-directional studies, amendments to the provisions of competitions and attestations and the methodology for assessing pedagogical competencies in the admission-attestation commissions when considering pedagogical nominations, as well as the policy of prevention of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, violence and persecution of VU was discussed before the approval. The President of VU SR, in turn, both actively engaged in discussing the issues of concern to students in the rectorate, and encouraged new discussions by presenting the results of the research on the integration of freshmen and recommendations for the improvement of the integration process and raising the issue of the quality of internships and the additional costs incurred by students during the internship.

Commissions Formed by the Senate of Vilnius University

VU Central Dispute Resolution Commission

Student representatives – Dominyka Goldbergaitė, Augustė Grakavinaitė, Simonas Granskas

The commission hears complaints about decisions of departmental dispute resolution commissions and disputes between students and central administration staff. During the reference period, 4 meetings were held, during which 8 statements were considered.

VU Central Commission for Academic Ethics

Student representatives – Laura Mackevič, Jorigis Jonas Marčėnas, Dominyka Goldbergaitė (until April 2023), Martyna Pikelytė (from April 2023).

The Commission investigates complaints from members of the academic community about breaches of academic ethics. During the reference period, 5 meetings of the commission were held, in which 4 applications were examined.

VU General University Studies (GUS) Commission

Student representatives –gustė Grakavinaitė, Klėja Merčaitytė

The GUS Commission is responsible for the implementation of the GUS concept at the University, monitors the implementation of GUS subjects and ensures their quality.

During the reference period, 5 meetings were held. During them, new and updated GUS subjects, which are carried out in Lithuanian and English, were examined, considered and approved. During this period, there was also a review of GUS subjects: the oldest bus subjects were reviewed, the feedback from students was analyzed, and comments were made to update the subject descriptions. During the meetings, the analysis of the GUS from 2021-2022 was presented and examined.

During the reference period, new GUSs were approved and submitted to the Senate for consideration:

  • Introduction to Climate Change: causes, consequences, and solutions

  • Psychological features of personal finance decisions

  • Media literacy

  • Economic policy and economic stability of the European Union

  • Anthropology: Social and Cultural Diversity

  • Genocides. How to recognize and understand it?

During the reference period regularly reviewed, submitted for adjustment, and updated GUSs:

  • Starting a responsible business

VU Central Electoral Commission

Student representative – Airina Mikulėnaitė

The Central Electoral Commission – responsible for the proper organization of elections to the governing bodies of the University, registration of elected members of the Senate and the Board, and determination of the results of the rector's elections. If necessary, the commission proposes to the Senate to improve the procedures for elections to the governing bodies of the University.

During the reference period, 9 remote meetings of the Central Election Commission were held. During the meetings, the compositions of the election commissions of all the core academic units of Vilnius University were approved, the candidates for the unfilled seats of the Members of the Senate were registered, as well as the election schedules for the seats of the Members of the Senate in the stem academic units were approved and the voting results were approved.

VU Emeritus, Affiliation and Honorary Names Commission

Student representative - Julija Jarutytė

The Commission considers and submits to the VU Senate for approval nominations to receive the names of professor emeritus, affiliate professor, associate professor, researcher and honorary doctor, alumni or patron of Vilnius University.

During the reporting period, 3 meetings were held at which 9 nominations were considered for the titles of Professor Emeritus (6 approved), 10 nominations for the title of aphiliate professor (10 approved), 4 nominations for the title of aphiliate scientist (4 approved), and the title of honorary doctor was decided to be awarded to Koen Lenaerts.

Commissions Formed By Order Of Rector Of Vilnius University

VU Admission Commission

Student representative – Neda Žutautaitė

The Commission considers and submits to the Rector of the University for approval the nominations for academic positions of top-level staff – professors and chief researchers. Considering student surveys, teaching experience and planned academic activities, the student representative, based on the data listed above, suggested that not all nominations be approved. The Central Admissions Commission has considered a total of 59 nominations, 34 of which will be submitted to the Rector.

VU One-Time Social Scholarship Distribution Commission

Student representatives – Ieva Budreikaitė, Dominyka Goldbergaitė, Daniel Šematovič

One-time social scholarships are support provided by the University to students who are experiencing difficulties that have affected their lives financially: severe illness of a student or relative, death of a relative, disability and other special situations. During the reference period, 3 meetings were held, and 604 basic social benefits were given to students, i.e., 19 044 Eur distributed in the autumn semester and 9 996 Eur in the spring semester.

VU One-Time Target Scholarship Distribution Commission

Student representatives – Daniel Šematovič, Einoras Tiškevičius

One-time targeted scholarships are incentive support provided by the University to students who actively participate in social, scientific, cultural or sports activities and represent and promote the name of the University through their achievements. During the reporting period, 2 meetings were held, and 719 basic social benefits were given to students, i.e., 18 722 Eur distributed in the autumn semester and 15 288 Eur in the spring semester.

VU Commission for Providing Pedagogical Titles of Professor and Associate Professor

Student representative – Klėja Merčaitytė

The Commission considers and submits to the Senate for approval the candidatures of teachers for the award of pedagogical titles. During the reference period, one meeting of the commission was held, during which candidates for the submission of pedagogical titles of VU professors and associate professors were considered. On behalf of the commission, it was proposed to give the VU Senate a pedagogical title to 48 people of VU academic staff.

VU Commission for the Recognition of The Best Teachers

Student representative - Klėja Merčaitytė

The Commission considers the activities of the candidates and makes recommendations to the Rector on the recognition of candidates as the best teachers of the year. Candidates from lecturers proposed by Vilnius University students are provided by the administration of the core academic unit together with the VU SR unit.

During the reference period, 1 meeting of the Commission was held. During the meeting, 15 of the best lecturers of the University were selected from the candidates nominated by the units, who were later awarded the Rector's Prize.

The best teachers' prizes of 2022 were awarded this year:

Rimantas Raudonis, Professor at the Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences;

Greta Drūeikienė, Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration;

Deividas Zibalas, Assistant at the Faculty of Philology;

Birutė Švedaitė-Sakalauskienė, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy;

Domas Paipulas, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Physics;

Radvilė Rimgailė - Voicik, Assistant at the Life Sciences Centre;

Genė Kirkienė, Associate Professor at the Faculty of History;

Robertas Kudirka, Associate Professor at the Kaunas Faculty;

Kęstas Kirtiklis, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Communication;

Adomas Bir6tunas, Assistant at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics;

Rūta Bendinskaitė, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine;

Jurgita Lenkauskaitė, Associate Professor at the Šiauliai Academy.

Vilius Bartninkas, Assistant at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science;

Aurelijus Gutauskas, Professor at the Faculty of Law;

Ieva Bužienė, Associate Professor at the Business School.

VU Study Quality Commission

Student representative –Julja Jarutytė

The Commission was formed in accordance with the procedure for the preparation, execution and improvement of VU Study Programs. This commission is responsible for considering the plans for the improvement of study fields, which are drawn up after an external expert assessment. During the reference period, 3 meetings were held, during which 11 plans for the improvement of study fields were considered (all improvement plans were approved).

Improvement plans considered:

  • Plan for the improvement of studies in the field of marketing;

  • Plan for the improvement of studies in the field of environmental science;

  • Plan for the improvement of studies in the field of information services;

  • Plan for the improvement of studies in the field of ecology

  • Plan for the improvement of studies in the field of literature;

  • Plan for the improvement of studies in the field of biology;

  • Plan for the improvement of studies in the field of history;

  • Plan for the improvement of studies in the field of physics;

  • Plan for the improvement of studies in the field of medical technology;

  • Plan for the improvement of studies in the field of statistics;

  • Plan for the improvement of studies in the field of business.

Working Groups And Commissions Set Up For The Implementation Of The Strategic Plan Of Vilnius University For 2021-2025

Working Group on the Renewal of the Quality Manager of Studies at VU

Student representative – Klėja Merčaitytė

The working group was formed after the approval of the University's strategic activity plan, which provided for the updating of the existing head of quality of studies. The update of this guide focuses on the refinement of the quality improvement system in studies, the detailing of responsibilities, and the consistency with the provisions and guidelines for quality assurance in Higher Education in Europe. The student representative was involved in the search for agreements and document preparation of internal study quality assurance processes and procedures, responsibilities and commitments to quality assurance and improvement of studies, as well as indicators that would allow to assess the quality of studies to assess the quality of studies.

VU Commission on Study Internationalization Initiatives

Student representative - Kornelija Buivydaitė

Applications for international initiatives have been submitted to the Commission, after which a decision is taken on the allocation of funds for their implementation. During the reference period, 4 meetings took place, during which 44 submitted applications were examined, of which 21 were approved to finance. Additionally, the working regulations of the commission were adjusted and a new strategy to improve information dissemination among VU CAU, so that as many departments as possible are involved in the creation of initiatives, was discussed.

VU Commission for Educational Initiatives

Student representative - Neda Žutautaitė

The Commission of Educational Initiatives is a commission that considers, approves and allocates funds for the initiatives of lecturers aimed at improving the study process, subjects, their teaching, increasing the involvement of students and implementing innovative educational ideas, for which standard resources are not always sufficient. This year, 13 applications and initiatives have been approved by the Commission for Educational Initiatives 3 reports on the initiatives implemented in previous years

VU Pedagogue Training Development Committee

Student representative - Neda Žutautaitė

The Committee was formed in order to prepare the concept of pedagogue education development at Vilnius University and ensure its implementation.

During the reference period, the concept of pedagogue education at Vilnius University was prepared and approved in the Senate. The Committee approved the annual activity reports of the Institute of Educational Sciences of the VU Faculty of Philosophy and the VU Šiauliai Academy, the activity plans for 2023 and the intermediate results of the pedagogue development project implemented at VU and their links with the goals of the Concept of Pedagogue Education.

Working Group on the Development of a Plan for the Implementation of The Open Science Policy Guidelines

Student representative - Neda Žutautaitė

The working group on the development of a plan for the implementation of the open science policy guidelines was formed after the Senate approved open science policy documents. The Group is preparing a plan for 2023-2028, which will implement resolutions focused on increasing open access to scientific (artistic) works and study thesis and research data, standards for the exchange of open research data, evaluation of scientific results, free and open-source software, open teaching resources, infrastructure, and public engagement. In the context of the working group, the plan is still in the process of preparation.

VU Inter-Directional Studies Concept Development Working Group

Student representative –Neda Žutautaitė

The working group was set up in order to develop the concept of inter-directional studies at Vilnius University, on the basis of which it would be possible to ensure interdisciplinarity and interdirectionality in studies, which is based on the individualization of studies. During the reference period, the working group prepared a draft of the concept of interdirectional studies, which is currently being considered in the VU Senate.

VU Green Deal Preparation Working Group

Student representative - Dominyka Goldbergaitė

The goal of the VU Green Deal Preparation Working Group is to prepare the Green Course of Vilnius University, which aims to become a university striving for continuous sustainability, which would not only reduce the negative impact on the environment arising from the ongoing teaching, research and other functions, but would also become an example for society in choosing a sustainable lifestyle. During the reference period, 2 meetings of the working group took place, the year of which the VU Green Deal was discussed and began to be prepared.

Scholarship Committees and Working Groups

VU 450th Anniversary Scholarship

Student representatives – Ieva Budreikaitė, Airina Mikulėnaitė, Ieva Šiaudvytytė

The VU 450th Anniversary Scholarship is a support provided by the University to prospective students from socially vulnerable groups. 100 prospective students are paid a scholarship of 200 euros every month from September to June in the first year of study in order to reduce the problem of social exclusion. During the reference period, 1 meeting was held, during which scholarships were awarded after examining the applications submitted by future students.

VU Tech Hub Scholarship Commission

Student representative - Neda Žutautaitė

Vilnius University Technology Hub (VU Tech Hub) has announced a competition for a nominal scholarship for the best final thesis prepared during studies. A grant of EUR 300 was awarded to the authors of the final thesis in the following categories:

  • "Technological development of society" – for the best work exploring and presenting technological solutions that determine the development of society;

  • "Societal challenges in the age of new technologies" – for the best work exploring the impact of robotics, digitalization and artificial intelligence on the development of society and its institutes;

  • "Innovation for life" – for the best work that offers a technological solution to meet the needs of society;

  • "Best interdisciplinary work" – for the best work, which deals with topical complex problems and combines research methods in different fields of science.

During the reference period, 1 online meeting of the Commission was held, where the winners were selected.

VU Canadian Lithuanian Nominal Scholarship Commission

Student representative – Martyna Pikelytė

The nominal scholarships of E. and V. Kadis, Lithuanians of Canada, are awarded to more socially vulnerable (due to a difficult financial situation, illness or death of loved ones) students of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology and medicine who are engaged in scientific activities. During the reference period, 1 remote conference was held, during which 3 scholarships were awarded to students.

Regular Units, Committees And Commissions

Representation of students of the third (doctoral) cycle of studies

During the reference period, 4 joint meetings took place with doctoral students, VU vice-rector of science, Doctorate and post-doctorate department. During the meetings, we discussed the improvement of the doctoral integration process, arising administrative, communication, financial, workload accounting, work with supervisor(s), community building problems in different doctorate directions were discussed. Individual meetings with students of different fields of science were also held, during which information gaps were filled and current problems were solved. The group of doctoral students assembled last year was joined by new people from different fields of science.

Three levels of action were used to solve the refined problems - national, university, doctoral field. At the national level, we were actively involved in the meetings of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania working groups, where PhD students were represented in matters of social guarantees (work experience, maternity, paternity, sickness benefits, income during academic leave, and ensuring the possibility of loans). At the university level, there was active cooperation with the Doctoral and Postdoctoral Department of VU regarding the organization of integration for doctoral students, updating the survey for doctoral students, expansion of transferable skills trainings' topics and courses taught in English language. The meetings of the VU SR PhD students' group were organized further this year, the issue of accountability for the use of doctoral funds was raised in the Department Councils, and a mentoring concept was developed together with the PhD students. At the level of the doctoral field, planning is carried out together with the doctoral students to solve specific problems at the departmental level.

Study program committees

Study Program Committees (SPC) are academic entities coordinating study programs and supervising their implementation. The SPC ensures the integrity of the objectives of the study program, the developed competencies, content, methods and assessments of student achievement and improves the study program by analyzing the opinion of students, lecturers, graduates, social partners and other indicators of the quality of the implementation of study programs. The SPC consists of at least 3 lecturers, at least 1 social partner and at least 1 student representative.

In order to ensure effective representation of students in the SPC, the competences of student representatives were raised: central and departmental trainings were organized, where the students' representatives got acquainted with the activities of the SPC, the results of the collection of opinions and meetings in simulations, and the experience of other student representatives were familiarized. Since this year changes in the introduction of individual studies were carried out in all first cycle study programs, student representatives were introduced to the concept of individual studies in the SPC and consulted throughout the reference period. The representatives themselves proactively engaged in the implementation of individual studies in each program of each unit in order to ensure the smooth course of this process. The students' representatives also took a test made for them, which allows them to consolidate the most important academic, structural knowledge and concepts necessary for representation. During the reference period, student representatives collected students' opinions by questionnaire, virtual target groups or a mixed method, and the collected and systematized data were used and presented during the meetings of the SPC. This year, a total of 435 meetings took place in different VU CAU, the main agenda of which in all the SPCs of the first cycle of studies was individual studies, and the postgraduate SPK – from strategies for reducing the deprivation of students to changing the forms of settlement. You can get acquainted with the statistics of each VU CAU SPC meetings in more detail below:

VU KAPNumber of SPC meetingsThe main 3 topics that discussed
Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences321. Individual studies
2. Corrections, approval of descriptions of study subjects
3. Consideration of the introduction of research work into the program
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration181. Individual studies
2. Adjustment of the layout of the study grid
3. Promotion of student feedback
Faculty of Philology721. Adaptation of the study program for the implementation of studies in English;
2. Preparation, approval of new electives
3. Attracting foreign students
Faculty of Philosophy571. Discussion of student feedback
2. Corrections, approval of descriptions of study subjects
3. Approval of the topics of final theses, commissions
Faculty of Physics201. Individual studies
2. Adjustment of the layout of the study grid
3. Deliberations on changes by teachers
Life Sciences Center221. Individual studies
2. Attracting new lecturers
3. Changing the number of contact hours for study subjects
Faculty of History151. Individual studies
2. Consideration of the introduction of new study modules
3. Approval of individual study plans for students
Kaunas Faculty341. Individual studies
2. Final theses
3. Adjustment of the layout of the study grid
Faculty of Communication431. Individual studies
2. Adjustment of the layout of the study grid
3. Increasing the supply of electives
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics241. Individual studies
2. Updating the descriptions of study subjects
3. Adjustment of the layout of the study grid
Faculty of Medicine111. Individual studies
2. Adjustment of assessment systems in individual study subjects
3. The search for sponsors to finance students' scientific works
Šiauliai Academy411. Individual studies
2. Adjustment of the study grid
3. Consideration of filming lectures
Institute of International Relations and Political Science91. Improvement of study programs taking into account student feedback
2. The question of the demise of students
3. Changes to settlement formats
Faculty of Law31. Individual studies
2. Unification of assessment systems between study subjects
3. Updating the descriptions of study subjects
Business School341. Individual studies
2. Updating the descriptions of study subjects
3. Considerations of greater attraction of foreign students

Meetings of Vice-Deans of Academic Affairs

Student representative – Klėja Merčaitytė

During the meetings of the Vice-Deans of Academic Affairs, conclusions and recommendations for improving the University's study activities are prepared. These meetings are attended by all deputy heads of core academic units of the University responsible for studies and representatives of students.

During the reference period, 11 meetings were held, during which the processes of individualization of studies were discussed, the documents submitted related to studies and other relevant issues were discussed, the description of the procedure for the preparation, execution and improvement of study programs, the Description of the Procedure for the Implementation of Individual Studies and Electives (Modules) at Vilnius University, the Concept of Interdirectional Studies, the Plan for the Implementation of VU International Student Attraction Measures, the Language Policy guidelines, there was a discussion about promoting feedback in the study process.

Advisory Committee on the Appointment of VU Partnership Professors and Associate Professors of Partnership

Student representative - Neda Žutautaitė

The Committee shall submit an opinion to the Rector of VU on the award of positions of VU partnership professors and associate professors of partnership. These positions allow lectures at Vilnius University to be given to famous Lithuanian business representatives, diplomats and other specialists in their fields who hold managerial positions or have extensive practical work experience.

During the reference period, 47 applicants were assessed as meeting the requirements for partnership professors and associate professors of partnership and were offered appointment to these positions.

Temporary Working Groups

VU Student Services Working Group

Student representatives - Dominyka Goldbergaitė, Klėja Merčaitytė

The aim of the Student Services Working Group is to refine all services provided by VU to community members, to analyze the model of services provided by foreign universities. The aim is to optimize the services currently provided, as some of them are provided by different departments or centers and do not reach the target audience. During the reference period, 2 meetings were held during which an inventory of all services provided by VU and VU SA for students was made and the services were categorized.

VU Emotional Well-being Working Group

Student representatives – Dominyka Goldbergaitė, Julija Jarutytė, Neda Žutautaitė

The Emotional Well-being Working Group was set up to create a system for ensuring emotional well-being at the University. During the reference period, the working group examined the services currently provided to students, which contribute to the creation of emotional well-being at the University and considered their possible development. The student representatives paid the greatest attention to the services and measures aimed at mental health promotion at the University, expressed the need to carry out constant monitoring of emotional well-being among students and to have clearly known to all members of the community the mechanisms for overcoming problem situations and responding to crisis cases.

VU Working group for changing scholarship regulations

Student representative - Neda Žutautaitė

A working group has been set up at VU to update the Scholarship Regulations in order to review the currently existing forms of student support, to make the current distribution of scholarships more effective, to provide for targeted new forms of scholarships for both support and promotion.

The work of the group is continuous, improvements are planned at the current time in the award of incentive scholarships, changing the procedure for disbursing the scholarship and not providing for two different amounts. A new scholarship model is also being developed for the expansion of support, designed for students on the lowest incomes, so that they can study and achieve academic results instead of working, providing monetary support throughout the year with a fixed amount of support on a monthly basis, and when certain achievements are achieved, with additional incentives. During the reporting period, the procedures for adapting the amendments were carried out and the final version of the provisions was prepared.